Bates BMH Villa Coronas, Durango, Mexico Keller.jpg)
Specimen Type: holotype Sex: f Institution: BMNH British Museum Natural History, London, UK Photographer: Fran Keller Collection Location: Villa Coronas, Durango, Mexico 80347
 Bates BMH Villa Coronas, Durango, Mexico Keller.jpg)
Specimen Type: holotype Sex: f Institution: BMNH British Museum Natural History, London, UK Photographer: Fran Keller Collection Location: Villa Coronas, Durango, Mexico 80348
 Bates BMH Villa Coronas, Durango, Mexico Keller.jpg)
Specimen Type: holotype Sex: f Institution: BMNH British Museum Natural History, London, UK Photographer: Fran Keller Collection Location: Villa Coronas, Durango, Mexico 80349
 Bates BMH Villa Coronas, Durango, Mexico Keller.jpg)
Specimen Type: holotype Sex: f Institution: BMNH British Museum Natural History, London, UK Photographer: Fran Keller Collection Location: Villa Coronas, Durango, Mexico 80350
 Bates BMH Villa Coronas, Durango, Mexico Keller.jpg)
Specimen Type: holotype Sex: f Institution: BMNH British Museum Natural History, London, UK Photographer: Fran Keller Collection Location: Villa Coronas, Durango, Mexico 80351
 Bates BMH Villa Coronas, Durango, Mexico Keller.jpg)
Specimen Type: holotype Sex: f Institution: BMNH British Museum Natural History, London, UK Photographer: Fran Keller Collection Location: Villa Coronas, Durango, Mexico 80352
Specimen Type: holotype Sex: f Institution: BMNH British Museum Natural History, London, UK Photographer: John Chemsak Collection Location: Villa Coronas, Durango, Mexico 17625

Institution: LGBC Larry G. Bezark Collection, Sacramento, California, USA Photographer: Larry G. Bezark Collection Location: El Arenal W of Aldea, Zacapa, Guatemala 10842

Institution: LGBC Larry G. Bezark Collection, Sacramento, California, USA Photographer: Larry G. Bezark Collection Location: El Arenal W of Aldea, Zacapa, Guatemala 80266

Institution: LGBC Larry G. Bezark Collection, Sacramento, California, USA Photographer: Larry G. Bezark Collection Location: El Arenal W of Aldea, Zacapa, Guatemala 80267