Caelomarthron chilense Thomson Specimen Type: holotype Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France Collection Location: Chile? 15403
Coelarthron quadrinotatum Bates Specimen Type: syntype Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France Collection Location: Chontales, Nicaragua 15702
Coelarthron quadrinotatum Bates Specimen Type: syntype? Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France Photographer: John Chemsak Collection Location: Chontales, Nicaragua 15703

Photographer: Steve Lingafelter Collection Location: Nicaragua 26374

Photographer: Larry G. Bezark 13550
Institution: BCA Biologia Centrali Americana 12260
Institution: UCB Essig Museum of Entomology, Berkeley, California, USA Photographer: Larry G. Bezark Determiner: Delfino Collection Location: Costa Rica 12261
