Nyssodrys binoculata Bates Specimen Type: holotype Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France 17541
Institution: FTH Frank T. Hovore collection (now at California Academy of Sciences) Photographer: Larry G. Bezark Collection Location: 8-13 km N El Lano, Panama 10689
Photographer: Denis Faure Collection Location: French Guiana 22131

Nyssodrys binoculata Bates Institution: BMNH British Museum Natural History, London, UK Photographer: Henry Hespenheide 17542
Institution: FTH Frank T. Hovore collection (now at California Academy of Sciences) Photographer: Larry G. Bezark Collection Location: road to Kaw r-40, French Guiana 28252
Institution: FTH Frank T. Hovore collection (now at California Academy of Sciences) Photographer: Larry G. Bezark Collection Location: road to Kaw r-40, French Guiana 28253