Oberea amabilis Haldeman Specimen Type: holotype Institution: MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA Photographer: P. Naskrecki, P. Perkins, and B. Farrell 2210
Oberea amabilis Haldeman Specimen Type: holotype Institution: MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA Photographer: P. Naskrecki, P. Perkins, and B. Farrell 2211
Oberea amabilis Haldeman Specimen Type: holotype Institution: MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA Photographer: P. Naskrecki, P. Perkins, and B. Farrell 2212
Oberea amabilis Haldeman Specimen Type: holotype Institution: MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA Photographer: P. Naskrecki, P. Perkins, and B. Farrell 2213
Oberea amabilis Haldeman Specimen Type: holotype Institution: MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA Photographer: John Chemsak 17592
Oberea tripunctata appalachiana Casey Specimen Type: holotype Sex: f Institution: NMNH United States National Museum, Washington, DC, USA Photographer: Steve Lingafelter Collection Location: Asheville, North Carolina 40142
Oberea tripunctata appalachiana Casey Specimen Type: holotype Sex: f Institution: NMNH United States National Museum, Washington, DC, USA Photographer: Steve Lingafelter Collection Location: Asheville, North Carolina 40143
Oberea tripunctata intermedia Casey Specimen Type: lectotype Institution: NMNH United States National Museum, Washington, DC, USA Photographer: Steve Lingafelter Collection Location: Indiana or Illinois 40144
Oberea tripunctata intermedia Casey Specimen Type: lectotype Institution: NMNH United States National Museum, Washington, DC, USA Photographer: Steve Lingafelter Collection Location: Indiana or Illinois 40145
Photographer: Larry G. Bezark 2263
Photographer: John Chemsak 17611