Ritsema MNHN Cochinchine, Vietnam XG.jpg)
Specimen Type: holotype © MNHN Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France Photographer: Xavier Gouverneur Collection Location: Cochinchine, Vietnam 44024
Pachyteria bouvieri Ritsema Specimen Type: holotype Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France Determiner: Magellanes, Collection Ex Natura 4 Collection Location: Lakkhon, Thailand 44025

Institution: IRSNB Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium Photographer: Noel Mal Collection Location: Blao High-Donnai, Vietnam 44023

Determiner: Magellanes, Collection Ex Natura 4 44026

Photographer: Benjamin Calmont, Cerambycoidea Forum Collection Location: Laos 44027