Pachyteria latemaculata Pic Specimen Type: holotype Sex: m Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France Photographer: Pic Collection Location: Sichuan, China 70224
Embrikstrandia fujianensis Hua Specimen Type: holotype Sex: m Institution: SYSU Sun-Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China Collection Location: Changting, Fujian, China 38677
 (Hope) Joan Bentanachs.jpg)
Sex: m Photographer: Joan Bentanachs 90333
 (Hope) Joan Bentanachs.jpg)
Sex: f Photographer: Joan Bentanachs 90334

Sex: f Institution: CAS California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA, USA Photographer: Larry G. Bezark 34437

Determiner: Longicorn Beetles of Hainan & Guangdong 34438

Institution: IRSNB Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium Photographer: Noel Mal Collection Location: Yunnan, China 39769