Callichroma laetum Hope Specimen Type: syntype Institution: BMNH British Museum Natural History, London, UK Photographer: Pierre Juhel Collection Location: vic of Cape Palmas, Liberia 74785
Callichroma laetum Hope Specimen Type: syntype Institution: BMNH British Museum Natural History, London, UK Photographer: Pierre Juhel Collection Location: vic of Cape Palmas, Liberia 74786
Mecosaspis chrysina togonica Schmidt Specimen Type: syntype Institution: ZMHB Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany Photographer: Pierre Juhel Collection Location: Yendi, Hinterland, Togo 74844
Mecosaspis chrysina togonica Schmidt Specimen Type: syntype Institution: ZMHB Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany Photographer: Pierre Juhel Collection Location: Yendi, Hinterland, Togo 74845
Mecosaspis wittei Hintz Specimen Type: syntype Institution: IRSNB Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium Photographer: Pierre Juhel Collection Location: Kpandu, Togo 52175
Mecosaspis wittei Hintz Specimen Type: syntype Institution: IRSNB Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium Determiner: Les Cahiers Collection Location: Kpandu, Togo 52176
Mecosaspis violacea Thomson Specimen Type: holotype Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France Photographer: Pierre Juhel Collection Location: Grand Bassam, Ivory Coast 74874
Mecosaspis violacea Thomson Specimen Type: holotype Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France Photographer: Pierre Juhel Collection Location: Grand Bassam, Ivory Coast 74875
Mecosaspis pyritosa Aurivillius Specimen Type: syntype Institution: NHRS Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden Photographer: Pierre Juhel Collection Location: Joko, Cameroon 74865
Photographer: Carlo Vitali, Cerambycoidea Forum Collection Location: Togo 52157

Photographer: Noel Mal Collection Location: Guinea 52158