Specimen Type: holotype Sex: m Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France Photographer: Gino Nearns Collection Location: Piste Ristquetout, pk4, French Guiana 37119
Specimen Type: holotype Sex: m Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France Photographer: Gino Nearns Collection Location: Piste Ristquetout, pk4, French Guiana 37120
Specimen Type: holotype Sex: m Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France Photographer: Gino Nearns Collection Location: Piste Ristquetout, pk4, French Guiana 37121
Specimen Type: holotype Sex: m Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France Photographer: Gino Nearns Collection Location: Piste Ristquetout, pk4, French Guiana 37122
Specimen Type: holotype Sex: m Institution: MNHN Museum of Natural History Paris, France Photographer: Gino Nearns Collection Location: Piste Ristquetout, pk4, French Guiana 55847